Enfield Sign Church


at Enfield Baptist Church, Cecil Road, Enfield Town, EN2 6TG

Planted in October 2011.

This church meets on 2nd Sunday each month

We meet from 2.30pm in the coffee bar at Enfield Baptist Church, then move into the small hall for an informal service.

Children are WELCOME! If you wish to bring children with you, let us know so we can make sure there are suitable activities provided for them. So please let us know by Facebook page or email.

Click here for more information Enfield Leaflet.

Enfield Baptist Church also provide an interpreted mainstream service on the 4th Sunday of each month at 10.30am

The leadership team are Laurie Banks, Sue Banks and and the chaplain.

Bible Study

Our Bible group is for everyone interested in discovering and learning more about the Bible. Everyone is welcome to join us and learn about the history of our faith together.

Laurie & Sue Banks
Laurie & Sue Banks

The Bible Study group meets for 5 or 6 sessions each term.
We meet at 7pm for tea and coffee, followed by the Bible Study… we finish at 9pm.

This group is for everyone who wants to understand and know more about the Bible and Christian faith.

Everyone has something to offer to the group – new Christians or people searching answers. The important thing is that we help and encourage each other. Check the monthly newsletter for dates of our next meeting.